Machine automation:
2014-Guillotine shears (3 pieces) automation revision.
2016-Manufacturing line for the BOPP 4-5-6 dispatching conveyor automation project.
2016-Manufacturing line for the BOPP 2 dispatching conveyor automation project.
Work safety automation:
2013 and 2014 with the products of the contractor company Leuze Electronic, work safety automation in the whole fabric.
2014-BOPET crane safety system (2 pieces) work safety automation.
Manufacture of automation cabinets:
The automation cabinets of the projects of 2013, 2014 and 2016 were manufactured by us.
2016 yılında BOPP 8 Havalandırma Panosu ve BOPP 8 ESSECİ Pompa Panosu imalatı tarafımızca yapılmıştır.
2016-The automation cabinets of the projects, BOPP 8 airing cabinet and BOPP 8 ESSECI pump cabinet were manufactured by us.